1st/2nd Grade Science Unit

                            Lesson Plan

Teacher:  Helen Lee

Lesson Title:   Farm vs. Zoo Animals

Grade Level and Course: 2nd Grade

Time Segment of Lesson: 40 minutes


Standard(s) Addressed in Lesson

CA.ELD.3. Part 1. A.1.2. Part I: Interacting in Meaningful Ways. A. Collaborative 1. Exchanging information and ideas with others through oral collaborative conversations on a range of social and academic topics 2. Interacting with others in written English in various communicative forms (print, communicative technology, and multimedia).


CCSS. Science.3.L.3.b 3.b Students will know examples of diverse life forms in different environments, such as oceans, deserts, tundra, forests, grasslands, and wetlands with different types of animals living in corresponded habitats

Student Diversity and Differentiation of Instruction

Student Diversity Differentiation of Instruction
  1. English Language Learners
-Give more time.

-Give a copy of Chinese and English vocabulary definitions ahead.

– Use visuals and timers to engage their work

– Some easier level of worksheets or assignments to promote students’ confidence level in English.

-Positive complement in every activity to reinforce students’ English confidence.

  1. Emotional Disturbance
– Timer (if necessary for his or her bad behavior).

– Clear instructions (repeat at least 2 times).

–  1:1 assist in individual activity or worksheets

-Physical activities implied into the lessons at all times.

-More patience.

-Positive individual complement for good behavior.

Formative and Summative Assessments

Measurable Objectives to be Addressed Formative and Summative Assessment
  1. Students will be able to identify and recognize different types of animal vocabularies in English at the end of the lesson.
Formative: Identify at least 5 animals at the end of each class.


Summative: Final Presentation/ Group Project/ Individual Quiz


  1. Students will be able to learn English vocabularies through a collaborative or independent activities.
Formative: Informal Observation and note taking students’ collaborative behaviors.


Summative: Final Presentation/ Group Project/ Individual Quiz

  1. Students will be able to learn speaking, listening, and writing skills at the end of the lesson.
Formative:  Mini-whiteboards/ peer-share/ individual quiz/ game based learning assessment


Summative: individual quiz/ vocabulary matching worksheets/ game based learning assessment/ group project


Big Ideas to be Addressed in the Lesson:

  1. Using collaborative and communicative skills with academic topic helps students to understand second language aspects.
  2. The various communicative form helps to improve students’ social skill.
  3. Adapting different styles of language explains the purpose of learning a second language.

Teaching Strategies and Related Student Activities 

Reinforce ABC alphabet song to warm-up students’ English pronunciation and phonics practice (2min.)

– Introduce or go over the zoo animal vocabularies PowerPoint and emphasize speaking English vocabularies. Then ask the students to say the vocabularies in Chinese (5 min.)

– Go over “Wheel Spinner” random number picker to identify animal names. The picked student will come up to the whiteboard and touch the correct answer. For example, the student will choose and touch the right animal name that the teacher calls. (10min.)

– Practice animal vocabularies by “Who Am I?” quiz. Students will look at the clues of animal parts and guess the animal name by raising their hands. This practice reinforces Individual learning time (3min.)

– The students will work on animal matching sort worksheet individually. The students will categorize which animal lives in which habitat. For example, a penguin might be seen in a zoo rather than farm. (10 min.)

– Watch “What Do You See?” animal song video to reinforce animal vocabularies and to close the lesson. (7min.)

– Exit Ticket: Mini-whiteboards exercise. Show any animal picture on the PowerPoint. Let the students write the answer in their min-whiteboards. Then the students will read the answer to the teacher in English when they get out of the class. (3min.)

*If no mini-whiteboards are available, the students can write animal words on the board in the correct category when they leave the class.


Teacher/Student Input:

The whole lesson plan is “I do it”, “You do it alone”, “We do it”, and “You do it alone” type of activities.

Gradual Release Approach 

I do it

– The teacher introduces English animal vocabularies in every lesson either to reinforce or introduce.

You do it alone

– Some lessons will ask the students to speak up individually what the animal vocabulary was in the previous week or lesson.

We do it

– During a game based learning activity, students will call out animal names to reinforce the “memorization” skill.

You do it

– Students will do an individual animal matching worksheets or take a quiz.

* Teacher’s job: facilitate the classroom, observe individual and group works, and guide instructions at the beginning of the lesson.

*Students’ job: Participate in collaborative work, practice reading, writing, and listening skills, and comprehend animal features


  1. Mini-whiteboards could be used in review section or at the end of a lesson. To review, I can tell my students to write any animal words they remember from yesterday’s lesson. For ELL or special need students, I can tell them to draw the animals or perform gestures in front of a class.
  2. Grade the animal matching worksheet and check students’ comprehension after class. Note on the “difficult” animal vocabularies and reinforce it in the next lesson or activity.

Discussion Topics

2nd graders are not proficient in a computer or online tools yet. I will ask my students to write a post-it note and stick it on the blackboard if they have any concerns in Chinese. My assistant teacher can help the students to solve any issues in Chinese.

Materials and Resources for Lesson

Materials, Technology, and Websites Required Preparation
1. Animal Vocabulary PowerPoint To introduce zoo animal vocabularies.
2. YouTube Animal Train Videos To engage my students’ attention and to enhance their speaking practice.
3. Animal Picture Matching Worksheets To help students’ “memorization” skills.
4. Chinese and English Outline of the lessons with visuals (for ELL/ Special Need students ) To help ELL and Special need students to follow along without confusions
5.  Mini-whiteboards (eraser+markers) Prepare either 12 pairs or 6 individual erasers or markers.


Name: _______                                                                                                                     Date: __________

Match the picture with the correct animal name.


(zoo/ farm)


(zoo/ farm)


(zoo/ farm)


(zoo/ farm)


(zoo/ farm)


(zoo/ farm)


(zoo/ farm)


(zoo/ farm)


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