Mobile Learning

Why should a teacher be prepared to allow or require students to use mobile devices to achieve learning objectives?

Teachers should always be prepared to allow or require students to use mobile devices to achieve 21st Century Skills. We are living in a digital era, where most of the people know how to “surf” the internet. Mobile devices like Ipad, smartphones, and computers have been in the education for a long time. Students should be prepared to technical devices in learning.

2. Create a list of guiding principles or best practices based on your approach. Do not refer to specific apps.

Guiding Principles

  • Keyboarding and Mouse Usage familiarity
  • TouchPad familiarity
  • searching skills
  • safe internet resources
  • Students must know “why” and “how” to use a mobile device in learning. Playing a game during mobile learning time is unacceptable.

3. Without referring to specific apps, suggest two or three examples of mobile activities for your classroom

  • Jeopardy – Use PowerPoint to review a specific lesson or unit before summative assessment.
  • Smartboard/ e-pen – to use it to catch younger students or ADHD students’ attention and engage them in learning.
  • Using Word document or PowerPoint to present their findings of an experiment in science class.
  • ESL students can use “Internet” web search to find vocabularies or grammar rules to write or complete their assignments.



Prensky, M. (2005, December 02). Shaping Tech for the Classroom. Retrieved July 06, 2017, from

Jeopardy! mobile game launches on iOS, Android. (n.d.). Retrieved July 06, 2017, from

Posts about Mobile Learning on Evolution21. (n.d.). Retrieved July 06, 2017, from



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